
Sunshine After the Rain

Image from AsianPolyGlotView Today, my morning can easily be summed up as when it rains, it pours; because pouring it did... both literally and figuratively. I should have known it would be an interesting day when it hit me why Will Smith and Chris Rock were trending.. (pun so intended haha) anyway, I digress. So let me start by summing up what transpired between 6 am and 8 am today.  My kids woke up too early and had the weirdest hyperactive energy I have ever seen for a rainy Monday morning. I had to get up and watch them lest they tore the house apart. My youngest, son #2 decided he would not put on a sweater or jacket to go to school despite today's rain. We struggled for about 10 minutes before I decided to leave him because these children sometimes forget who their mum is. I was not having it today. I got into yet another struggle with the older brother, son #1 who at this point was crying because his crazy mother decided to leave his younger brother home. So that took anoth

Are We Celebrating Women Yet?

It's hard to be a woman I'm not sure when I realized this. I have been racking my brain since morning trying to find out which exact moment in my life made me realize this. Maybe, it was that fateful night 13 years ago when a matatu conductor harassed me that I had to run away for fear of being stripped naked or raped. It scared me so much that incidents of women being harassed like that still trigger me. It took years for me to stop fearing men.  Or maybe it was when I tried to explain to my male "friends" what happened that fateful night. They gaslighted the whole situation and made me believe I must have done something to warrant the harassment. Or maybe it's when I have to double-take on what I am wearing so that I do not give off the wrong idea when I know I'm going to be walking by myself on the road, regardless of the time of day or how busy the street is. Or maybe it is when as a new mother I would walk around, and the first thing people did when they

2 Key Zoom Interview Strategies that Guarantee Success

Photo by  Anna Shvets  from  Pexels Everyone wants a job interview to go well. However, interviews can be stressful, even if you're not a nervous person. It helps to have a strategy for how you want the interview to go. You must give a good impression during the Zoom interview as you would in any other. A good impression is vital when getting the job or being called back.   Why Use Zoom for Interviews? Photo by  Christina Morillo  from  Pexels Zoom is an on-demand video conferencing platform that allows you to meet with clients and co-workers from anywhere in the world.  Zoom Interviews will enable you to meet one-on-one with anyone, regardless of location.  Stick around to understand how to set up a Zoom Interview and amazing interview strategies that guarantee success. Conduct A dequate R esearch It would be best to carry out all the background research regarding the company and the job you are interviewing for. 1.      Company Begin by visiting t he company we

3 Fun Moneymaking Ideas for Stay-at-home Moms

Image from Instagram Being a stay-at-home mom is one of the most rewarding full-time jobs there is. However, let's face it, it also comes with the loss of financial independence.  There are many reasons why stay at home moms choose to look for moneymaking ideas. The cost of living is at an all-time high, and most households can no longer survive on just one income.  The moneymaking ideas for stay-at-home moms shown below are just what you need if you want to earn that extra coin. You do not need to leave the comfort of your home or spend any extra money.  Sounds exciting? Let's get right to it.    1. Start a Blog Photo by  Tirachard Kumtanom  from  Pexels This article  by Blog Tyrant can guide you on how to start a mom blog and make money from it. Blogging is fun; you get to share ideas about topics you love.  Through selling advertising,  Amazon affiliate marketing  and sponsored posts, you too can join the ranks of successful mom bloggers. 2. Monetize your Talent

Love in the hair

Image from pixabay Of Glorious Beautiful Hair Ever since I could remember, I have always had gorgeous hair. It was long and thick and reasonably healthy, and people around me would stop to admire it, especially when it was nicely styled from a fresh blow-dry. I felt on top of the world. My hair is one of the things I have inherited from my dad. He has lovely hair, and I am always so proud to tell people, "I have my dad's hair". I used to love showing off my hair, flowing in all its glory. Of Hair Relaxers and Buyers' Remorse I grew my hair out until high school. It, however, became quite long and thick to the point I didn't know what to do with it. When I was about 19 years old, a little devil got inside my head and told me it would be easier to manage my hair if I got a  hair relaxer . I remember my mother begging me not to do it. She desperately tried to talk me out of it, but I wouldn't hear any of it. I had convinced myself that a relaxer was the only

How to find the right kindergarten for your child with autism in Kenya

                A good education foundation  is essential if a child is to succeed in their school life, and there are so many different factors that have to be considered when looking for a school for your child. When my husband and our two boys returned to Kenya in December 2019 after four years in Cambodia, we thought it would be easy to get a good school to take our oldest son Zeezol. However, after visiting and enquiring about ten different schools to date, we came to see just how difficult it is to find a school that would accept our son and be willing to make accommodations for him due to his learning support needs. In my previous  blog post , I mentioned that Zeezol was diagnosed with autism at the age of three years old.    My mum and I have this long-standing joke that Zeezol has gone to a "group of schools". Here in Kenya, most people use this term to refer to an affluent school. However, this is not why we say it; we say this because Zeezol has already attended mo