Sunshine After the Rain

Image from AsianPolyGlotView

Today, my morning can easily be summed up as when it rains, it pours; because pouring it did... both literally and figuratively. I should have known it would be an interesting day when it hit me why Will Smith and Chris Rock were trending.. (pun so intended haha) anyway, I digress. So let me start by summing up what transpired between 6 am and 8 am today. 

My kids woke up too early and had the weirdest hyperactive energy I have ever seen for a rainy Monday morning. I had to get up and watch them lest they tore the house apart.

My youngest, son #2 decided he would not put on a sweater or jacket to go to school despite today's rain. We struggled for about 10 minutes before I decided to leave him because these children sometimes forget who their mum is. I was not having it today.

I got into yet another struggle with the older brother, son #1 who at this point was crying because his crazy mother decided to leave his younger brother home. So that took another five minutes before he agreed to leave the house.

We finally get downstairs, and I notice my car leaning to one side, and yes, you guessed it,  one of the tyres had a puncture. It was just laying there so flat and disgusting I almost kicked it. 

I decided-not today, satan- I will deal with you later. 

So I decided to call a cab to take son #1 to school. As I'm fumbling with my bag to get my phone, son #2 appears with our nanny and, would you look at that, he has finally put his sweater on 😂.

So I took out my phone to call a cab. In my haste of leaving for the day, I had not bothered to check it the whole morning, and as fate would have it, the battery charge was at 5%. So, now, i can't call a cab because my phone will just die. I also can't have someone drop the tyre off to be fixed because almost all my cash is in my phone. 

At this point, I'm almost losing it- it is still drizzling outside, so we need to take the kids back to the house (so much drama) so that I can figure out what to do next. 

My neighbour's driver was outside-he, and his friend wanted to help me change my tyre to get the punctured one fixed and still go about my day- simple right? WRONG! THERE IS NO SPARE TYRE IN MY CAR! At this point, I was on the verge of tears. 

So now, here I am, no charge on my phone, it's drizzling, kids are crying because they don't understand why they have to go back inside, I have to take the tyre to be fixed but first, need to go back inside to either charge my phone or get the power bank. Tell me how it can get worse than that. 

To cut a long story short, they finally fixed the tyre at the petrol station; my kids were finally ok, but as you can guess, we never made it to school, but I finally got a moment to exhale. 


I can't remember when I last had such a rough morning. It's funny how easily things can quickly get from 0 to 100. It has been a culmination of a very stressful couple of days.

Image from Pinterest

I have somehow managed to pick myself up and reclaim my day because life is short, and we cannot waste it crying over spilt milk. However, I have learned a few lessons this morning that I want to share and those that I hope I will remember when I get another crazy morning such as today. 

  1. Everything happens for a reason. You may not understand it then, but as the day unfolds, you may finally get it. I know my kids and I were not meant to leave the house today. I can't explain it, but I know there is a reason why. 
  2. Regardless of how bad things are, please do your best to not take it out on other people. I was so frustrated and just wanted to yell at everything and everyone talking to me. My kids, in particular, were working overtime to get on my last nerve, and it reached a point I had to walk away and stay in my room for a short while. It was not their fault that things were going wrong, yet I almost took it out on them. Poor guys were so confused.
  3. Be kind to and cordial with the people around you. They may end up being a blessing when you need help the most. Our neighbours jumped into action when I asked for help without any hesitation. I hope to pay it forward one day.
  4. It's good to laugh at yourself sometimes. I had a messed up morning, but when I think about it, now, the situation was actually hilarious in how things were getting from bad to worse. However, I know it could have been much worse. I could have been on the road at night with the kids by myself; I thank God I hadn't left home and that there were people around us. 
  5. Don't ever let a wrong moment ruin your day. Easier said than done, I know, but I can confirm I was able to reclaim my day. I'm busy, and my kids are having a good time (especially since I have stopped yelling). Things usually work out in the end. They have for us for now, we're good. 

Image from Family Mann

I came to realize this morning that I usually hold on to things and let them foster only for something small to happen and trigger an emotional response. It is not healthy to do this. Trying to keep it together to save face does more harm than good. 

I'm allowing myself to go through the motions of emotions when I feel them. It is a work in progress, but I know I will get there. 

I pray that April will be kinder; March has been arduous.



  1. "Everything happens for a reason" - facts

    1. Big facts right? Hope you're well my brother

  2. Very nice lessons there, glad the day ended well. Keep writing, i enjoy this posts!

    1. Glad to see it. Yes it ended well, we're good, thank God

  3. Pole sana! Sounds more like going from 100 to 0 because nothing was working. I agree that it's always good to be kind to people around you. Hoping you have a better remainder of the week.

    1. Yow,... Wacha tu. God was gracious. I was losing my mid for a moment there, I'm so happy this day is over. Kids had a really good day, that's what matters 😊

  4. Hilarious read of March.
    Still very cultivating!
    And the lessons derived out of it all... On point!

    Glad to read your day & that of the little ones is all going well.
    Yes! The rains are here... Blessings!

    I will read all this over again, giggle more (pun intended)!

    1. Haha my loyal reader. Thanks for the morning nudge. This blog post helped me ease my mind up. Much love my brother

    2. Karibu my sister, the able publisher.

    3. Sorry, meant 'captivating' in my earlier response.


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