
Love without words

It's movie night at the frat house. Yes, Frat House. That's what I call my house. You see I am just but a singular damsel surrounded by loud and overbearing testosterone. Ok, It's just a fancy way of saying I am just but one girl in a house of boys. See, I have been blessed with two beautiful boys. They are my life, my heart and my very reason for being. As we cuddle under the blanket waiting for our movie to start, I can't help but think about these two that I love so much and their unique relationship. You see, my boys barely talk to each other. At all. No hellos, no goodbyes, no hey there, nothing.  Weird huh? They honestly barely talk at all. The most interesting thing about this is that they are the best of friends, two peas in a pod. My boys love each other to death and try as you might, you cannot separate these two. Their love is a unique kind of love. A different and special kind of love that some of us can only dream of experiencing. So how do they communicate

Life is beautiful

 We need to take time to appreciate what life has to offer. There is so much beauty all around us. How can we not appreciate this beautiful works of God every single moment when we walk around and take a breath? Always remember to stop and smell the roses :)